Star Trek Voyager
The Crew
Janeway, Kathryn
Played By: Kate Mulgrew
Rank: Captain
Last recorded assignment: Commanding officer, U.S.S. Voyager
Full Name: Kathryn Janeway
Home region: Indiana, North America, Earth
Birthday: May 20
Parents: Admiral Edward Janeway (d. 2358) and Gretchen Janeway
Siblings: One sister
Education: Starfleet Academy graduate
Marital status: Single (once engaged)
Office: (2371-2378) U.S.S. Voyager, Deck 1 Ready Room adjoining Bridge
Played By: Robert Beltran
Status: Returned to Alpha Quadrant in 2378 as First Officer of U.S.S. Voyager; previous status as Maquis commando and felon under review
Full Name: Chakotay
Species: Human
Year of birth: 2329
Parents: Son of Kolopak
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2344-48
Marital status: Single
Torres, B`Elanna
Played By: Roxann Dawson
Status: Returned to Alpha Quadrant in 2378 as Chief Engineer of U.S.S. Voyager; previous status as Maquis commando and felon under review
Full Name: Torres, B'Elanna
Species: Half-Klingon, Half-Human
Parents: Father, John Torres (Human); mother, Miral (Klingon)
Education: Starfleet Academy, incomplete second year
Marital status: Married to Tom Paris (per datastream transmission of Stardate 54089)
Children: One daughter, Miral, born 2378
Paris, Tom
Played By: Robert Duncan McNeill
Status: Returned to Alpha Quadrant in 2378 as lieutenant aboard U.S.S. Voyager; previous status as trusty of UFP Rehabilitation Commission under review
Last recorded assignment: Observer/scout, U.S.S. Voyager
Full Name: Thomas Eugene Paris
Parents: Admiral and Mrs. Paris
Education: Starfleet Academy graduate
Marital status: Married to B'Elanna Torres (per datastream transmission of Stardate 54089)
Children: One daughter, Miral, born 2378
Played By: Ethan Phillips
Species: Talaxian
Assignment: (2371-2378) U.S.S. Voyager: Chef, diplomatic adviser, "morale officer"
Current status: Left Voyager in 2378 to live among other Talaxians on Delta Quadrant asteroid
Full name: Neelix
Place of birth: Rinax, a moon of Talax, in Delta Quadrant
Marital status: Single as of last contact in 2378, but living with fellow Talaxian Dexa and her son Brax
Doctor, The
Played By: Robert Picardo
Rank: Uncommissioned
Last recorded assignment: Chief medical officer, U.S.S. Voyager
Full File Name: Emergency Medical Hologram AK-1
Activation Date: SD 48308.2 (2371)
Reinitialized Date: SD 50252 (2373)
Origin of program: Jupiter Station Holo-Programming Center
Original Programmer: Dr. Lewis Zimmerman, Starfleet
Programming: Taken from among 3,000 cultures and 47 specific surgeons
Office: (through 2378) Adjoining Sickbay on Deck 5, U.S.S. Voyager
Played By: Tim Russ
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Last recorded assignment: Detached leave, security chief of U.S.S. Voyager, for undercover Maquis mission; both ships lost and unaccounted for SD 48307.5; UPDATE — Served aboard Voyager 2371-2378 as Security and Tactical Officer; returned with Voyager to Alpha Quadrant in 2378
Full Name: Tuvok
Species: Vulcan
Time of birth: Stardate 38774, Terran year 2264
Place of birth: Vulcanis Lunar Colony
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2289-2293
Marital status: Married 2304 to T'Pel
Children: Three sons (one named Sek), one daughter (Asil); at least one grandchild, by Sek (T'Meni)
Kim, Harry
Played by: Garrett Wang
Rank: Ensign
Species/gender: Human male
Year of birth: 2349
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2367-71
Marital status: Single
Last recorded assignment: (2371-2378) Operations Officer, U.S.S. Voyager
Current status: Returned to Alpha Quadrant with Voyager in 2378, after 7 years stranded in Delta Quadrant
Seven of Nine
Played By: Jeri Ryan
Species: Human (assimilated by Borg as a child but severed as an adult, retaining portion of cybernetic implants)
Full Name at Birth: Annika Hansen
Parents: Magnus & Erin Hansen (both assimilated by Borg ca. 2356); only known surviving relative is an aunt, Irene Hansen
Place of birth: Tendara Colony, SD 25479
Marital status: Single
Last recorded assignment: U.S.S. Voyager (no formal assignment or rank)
Current status: Returned to Alpha Quadrant with Voyager in 2378
Played By: Jennifer Lien
Species: Ocampa
Full Name: Kes
Year of birth: 2370
Place of birth: Ocampa homeworld
Parents: Daughter of Benaren, her father
Marital status: Single
Last recorded assignment: U.S.S. Voyager: airponics gardener, medical aide/student
Current status: Left Voyager in 2374 as increased mental powers transformed her into a noncorporeal state; returned to Voyager in 2376 in corporeal form in an attempt to change time, but aborted plan and left again to return to homeworld